Simply put EVERYTHING is the difference
Including, prices, sizes, colors, options, service and availability

You will NOT beat our prices anywhere in the USA and that is our guarantee. Our 12" x 8" single color signs have been only $30 since we opened, in fact we have NEVER raised any prices. How do we do this? We simply sell thousands of signs every year allowing us to buy materials in large bulk quantities and keep our prices down.
In fact you will see our competitors advertise 30% off, 50% off and lots of other gimmicks to try and fool you. Our everyday price is much lower then any gimmick they can throw at you. Many times we are less the half of any price they offer.

While many of our competitors offer 2 or 3 sizes we offer 9 sizes. We also have the ability to offer custom sizes as small as 2.5 inches by 2.5 inches up to our extra large 2 foot by 2 foot sign.

The 2 color signs are offer by our competitors in any of 13 pre determined color combinations. Our 2 color signs are available in ANY 2 colors you would like. But wait, we also offer up to 6 colors in these signs and up to a full color sign in our UV LED signs.

One word sums up our options, UNLIMITED. All of our signs are available in single color, multiple colors, hanging, table top, cut-out, single color - color changing, 2 color - color changing, add a colored background or a backing for the trear of the sign

Our multi color LED signs are attractive and reflect your choice of colors even when the light is NOT illuminated? Our competitors signs are clear with just a cloudy frosted design unless the light is illuminated.

2. Over 60 designs available for the lower corners of our bar and garage signs!
Click here to review the options. This sign is an example of a recent sign we made for a client with custom designs in the corners.

3. Custom Sign Shack offers complete custom signs made from your image for NO additional fee, NO design fee and NO set up fee! Custom signs start at only $30!!! This sign was made from a photo of the back of a man's t-shirt.
4. We offer unlimited color choices, Choose any two colors you would like. Want neon green & fuchsia, we can make it happen. Here is an example of a couple of custom colors customers recently chose